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S&H Publishing
High Quality Fiction for the Contemporary Woman
Intelligent, curious, imaginative, and willing to learn and explore. Not defined by genre or age, she is practical one moment, dreaming the next, searching for answers on one hand and moving forward with confidence on the other.
S&H Publishing
High Quality Fiction for the Contemporary Woman
Intelligent, curious, imaginative, and willing to learn and explore. Not defined by genre or age, she is practical one moment, dreaming the next, searching for answers on one hand and moving forward with confidence on the other.

About S&H

History (and more)

S & H Publishing was formed with one goal in mind - providing quality books for our readers. We want to attract a following of devoted readers who depend on us to find exciting new books that entertain, inspire, and inform. Today's book market is more alive than ever, with new talented writers who are bursting with great stories and fresh enthusiasm.

Just as the contemporary woman is not restricted by genre or age, talent is not restricted by distance or national borders. We pride ourselves on the international community of talented writers we bring to our readers.

Sometimes new writers have more enthusiasm than craftsmanship. That's where our expertise comes into play. Everyone associated with S & H is an avid reader and understands the disappointment of picking up a book that sounds interesting only to have it marred by poor writing, poor editing, or poor proofreading. We cannot guarantee perfection, but we continually strive for it.

Who We Are


Dixiane Hallaj, Ph.D.

Acquisitions Editor

When Dixiane's doctoral dissertation was described as a page-turner, she turned her talents to writing fiction. Impatient with the trade publishing process, she founded S & H Publishing, Inc. in 2014. As a reader for awesomeindies.net and an evaluator for indiePendents.org for several years, she was impressed by the depth and quality of today’s new authors. Now she actively recruits this talent for S & H. Dixiane lives in Purcellville, VA with her husband of 54 years and their cat named Dog.


Marjorie Rommel, M.F.A.

Managing Editor

Marjorie Rommel lives in Auburn, WA, where she cares for her husband, three cats, 847 birds, 54 squirrels, and a snarky brace of possums in her large back yard. She is Poet Laureate of her city, leads an after-school teen writers group, and is active in the local poetry scene. She was an Espy Foundation Resident in 2000, and received a White Bridge Traveling Fellowship from the Adam Family Foundation in 2001. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing/Poetry from Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA, where she taught several years, and is co-founder and president of the nonprofit Northwest Renaissance, Poets, Performers & Publishers, presenting poetry events in the Puget Sound Region since 1975.


Terry Korth Fischer

Education Director

Terry Korth Fischer is the author of short fiction, memoir, and mystery. Second oldest in a family that boasts nine children, she writes from life experiences, drawing often from her Midwest, pioneer heritage. Terry lives in Houston, Texas where she is at work on a mystery novel and a short story collection. Her short stories can be found online at The Write Place at the Write Time, a literary magazine, and in print: Spies & Heroes an International Anthology published by S&H Publishing, Inc. and various CLAW Selection Anthologies. Terry is a member of Sisters in Crime(SinC), Clear Lake Area Writers, and Pennwriters Inc. Find her online at www.terrykorthfischer.com.


Mary DeMauro, B.A.

Social Media Director

With a degree in Fine Arts from George Mason University, Mary brings many talents to S & H Publishing. Since her arrival, our social media presence has expanded and acquired a more professional look. She is also doing good work on cover designs, and making important contributions to our video library.

Advisors and Readers

We are happy to have many people whose opinions we value. They read our manuscripts when needed, give advice when asked (and sometimes when not asked), and generally support our efforts to make S & H Publishing, Inc. the best it can be. This is just a partial list, and our thanks go out to all of them.

  • Bobbi Carducci - Writer of creative non-fiction and short stories, newspaper columnist
  • Lenora Rain-Lee Good - Writer of fantasy and historical fiction, avid reader
  • Krisi Keley – Writer of paranormal mysteries and free lance editor
  • Sharon Kraftchak - Writer of fantasy and speculative fiction, active Renaissance Faire participant
  • Linda Sittig - Writer of historical fiction, literacy specialist, educator