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S&H Publishing
High Quality Fiction for the Contemporary Woman
Intelligent, curious, imaginative, and willing to learn and explore. Not defined by genre or age, she is practical one moment, dreaming the next, searching for answers on one hand and moving forward with confidence on the other.
S&H Publishing
High Quality Fiction for the Contemporary Woman
Intelligent, curious, imaginative, and willing to learn and explore. Not defined by genre or age, she is practical one moment, dreaming the next, searching for answers on one hand and moving forward with confidence on the other.
Terry Korth Fischer

Terry Korth Fischer is the author of short fiction, memoir, and mystery. Second oldest in a family that boasts nine children, she writes from life experiences, drawing often from her Midwest, pioneer heritage. Terry lives in Houston, Texas where she is at work on a mystery novel and a short story collection. Her short stories can be found online at The Write Place at the Write Time, a literary magazine, and in print: Spies & Heroes an International Anthology published by S&H Publishing, Inc. and various CLAW Selection Anthologies. Terry is a member of Sisters in Crime(SinC), Clear Lake Area Writers, and Pennwriters Inc. Find her online at www.terrykorthfischer.com.