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S&H Publishing
High Quality Fiction for the Contemporary Woman
Intelligent, curious, imaginative, and willing to learn and explore. Not defined by genre or age, she is practical one moment, dreaming the next, searching for answers on one hand and moving forward with confidence on the other.
Intelligent, curious, imaginative, and willing to learn and explore. Not defined by genre or age, she is practical one moment, dreaming the next, searching for answers on one hand and moving forward with confidence on the other.
How long does it take an author to write a book? The answer varies from author to author. Some authors can take years to research the facts behind their stories. Others take years to write and polish their books. After the book is as close to perfection as possible, it can take another year or longer to find an agent, and even more time for the agent to find the right publisher. At last, a contract with a Big Publisher! Time to celebrate! Bring out the fireworks! What happens then? It can take 12 to 16 months to get on… [more]
It’s a dream come true – you have a contract with a Big Publisher! Hooray! Bring out the fireworks! Your friends are all excited. They ask when the book will be available in their local bookstore. What’s the answer? A lot longer than you think. What happens next? The first thing that hits you is that the publisher chooses a title for your book. Never mind that you spent weeks agonizing over just the right title and searching the internet to make sure no one else had used it first, the publisher found something else. Maybe you like it, maybe you… [more]
Looking for a publisher should be simple, right? How hard can it be? Do a Google search and surely pages of publishers will pop out. I decided to try doing just that. I even found pages of websites willing to help me find exactly the right publisher for my book. I started through the first few of these “helpful” websites, and the first one on the list was: “Publishers List – Find Book Publishers That Can Help” and I followed the link. A click through reveals the fact they are more interested in selling services than in publishing. Another website begins… [more]
Publishers often separate their books into different imprints. Amazon itself has over a dozen imprints, each with a specialized focus. My previous post listed many of the imprints that are owned by the Big Six. Oops, the Big Five. Penguin and Random House are now Penguin Random House. Being published by a subsidiary imprint is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, most of the imprints are still very much a part of traditional publishing—but not all of them. What I am particularly interested in today is the relatively new phenomenon of self-publishing imprints owned by traditional publishers. Just as… [more]
Traditional Publishers are considered the Gold Standard, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for any author. And they are usually just as elusive as the legendary pot of gold. The short answer to why the gatekeepers are so fierce is that there are really only six of them and gazillions of us trying to get in through those gates. No, that can’t be right. There must be more than six, right? Wrong. There are many, many more than six imprints, but many of them are just other faces of the big six. The following is taken… [more]
For those who are just discovering S&H Publishing, this is a little bit about us and what we do. S&H Publishing was formed with one goal in mind—providing quality books for our readers. We want to attract a following of devoted readers who depend on us to bring them good books that are well written and well edited. Today’s book market is more alive than ever. The advent of ebooks and print-on-demand technology has opened the door for new talented writers who are bursting with great stories and fresh enthusiasm. We want to bring these talented writers to our readers… [more]